Registered Nurses Assess patient health problems and needs, develop and implement nursing care plans, and maintain medical records. Administer nursing care to ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled patients. May advise patients on health maintenance and disease prevention or provide case management. Licensing or registration required. Includes advance practice nurses such as: nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse midwives, and certified registered nurse anesthetists. Advanced practice nursing is practiced by RNs who have specialized formal, post-basic education and who function in highly autonomous and specialized roles.
Average annual salary for a Staff Nurse is $58413 based on statistics in the U.S. as of 2015. The highest salary recorded was $83987. The lowest salary reported was $41319. These figures will vary on a state to state basis as these are averages across all 50 states.
Median hourly wage for a Staff Nurse is $29.05 based on statistics in the U.S. as of 2015. The highest hourly rate recorded was $41.76. The lowest hourly rate recorded was $20.55. These figures will vary on a state to state basis as these are averages across all 50 states.
Bonuses for a Staff Nurse are based on the years of experience using statistics from the U.S. as of 2015. The average bonus recorded was $0 from people with 15+ years of experience. The average bonus recorded was $0 from people with under 1 year of experience.
These are the highest paying states for a Staff Nurse. These numbers are based off the median annual salary as of 2015.
California – $35,242 – $128,222 Florida – $28,486 – $78,611 New Jersey – $51,000 – $70,000 New York – $40,414 – $79,834 Ohio – $42,000 – $55,000 Pennsylvania – $59,344 – $72,500 Texas – $36,963 – $88,403
These are the highest paying cities for a Staff Nurse. These numbers are based off the median annual salary as of 2015.
New York, New York – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Chicago, Illinois – Dallas, Texas – Los Angeles, California – San Francisco, California – Atlanta, Georgia –
This chart outlines the average annual salary of a Staff Nurse from the past 5 years. In 2015 the average annual salary was $58413 while in 2007 it was just $54171.19
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Gender Statistics
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Based on our stats gathered across the U.S. 14% of Staff Nurses were males while 86% were females. These numbers are based on averages across all states combined. Some individual states may have a much different ratio however.