Average annual salary for a Software Engineer Developer Programmer is $68548 based on statistics in the U.S. as of 2015. The highest salary recorded was $100753. The lowest salary reported was $41690. These figures will vary on a state to state basis as these are averages across all 50 states.
Median hourly wage for a Software Engineer Developer Programmer is $19.51 based on statistics in the U.S. as of 2015. The highest hourly rate recorded was $30.52. The lowest hourly rate recorded was $8.5. These figures will vary on a state to state basis as these are averages across all 50 states.
Bonuses for a Software Engineer Developer Programmer are based on the years of experience using statistics from the U.S. as of 2015. The average bonus recorded was $4958 from people with 15+ years of experience. The average bonus recorded was $1200 from people with under 1 year of experience.
These are the highest paying states for a Software Engineer Developer Programmer. These numbers are based off the median annual salary as of 2015.
California – $49,275 – $106,687 Illinois – $41,184 – $87,852 Massachusetts – $45,199 – $92,602 New York – $46,979 – $99,938 Pennsylvania – $44,288 – $82,607 Texas – $47,316 – $91,620 Washington – $51,364 – $117,119
These are the highest paying cities for a Software Engineer Developer Programmer. These numbers are based off the median annual salary as of 2015.
New York, New York – Seattle, Washington – Houston, Texas – Chicago, Illinois – San Francisco, California – Austin, Texas – Boston, Massachusetts –
This chart outlines the average annual salary of a Software Engineer Developer Programmer from the past 5 years. In 2015 the average annual salary was $68548 while in 2007 it was just $63570.22
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Based on our stats gathered across the U.S. 91% of Software Engineer Developer Programmers were males while 9% were females. These numbers are based on averages across all states combined. Some individual states may have a much different ratio however.