Radiation Therapist


October 30, 2016


Radiation Therapist Job Description

Radiation therapy is a field that requires highly trained, attentive and caring personnel. Much is at stake when delivering high voltage, mega radiation to cancer patients, and is reflected in radiation therapist salary. A new grad can expect a radiation therapist salary starting around $50,000 to $ 60,000. Because of the growing sophistication in radiation therapy equipment and techniques, it’s the experience in the field that makes a radiation therapist increasingly valuable. Therapists that have five to 10 years of experience can expect a median salary of around $62,000. Radiation therapists who have specialized in the many different areas of therapy or have stepped into management, typically make around $90,000 to over a $100,000 annually.

Radiation Therapist Salary Statistics as of 2015

framework 3.3.0.release.18739LowHighMedianRadiation Therapist Annual Salary$0$108,271$62,152$47,936$86,617

Average annual salary for a Radiation Therapist is $62152 based on statistics in the U.S. as of 2015. The highest salary recorded was $86617. The lowest salary reported was $47936. These figures will vary on a state to state basis as these are averages across all 50 states.

There are pros and cons to becoming a radiation therapist. The upside is getting to know patients well, as their daily treatments can last up to seven weeks. Although most enjoy a cure, some do not. All in all, however, the profession is extremely rewarding in the both a physical and mental sense.

Expect to get plenty of exercise, as most treatment rooms are long corridors that are well traveled throughout the day. The control room is where the radiation therapist monitors the patient and controls the linear accelerator to remotely deliver the treatment.

Education and training to become a radiation therapist varies slightly from state to state. Requirements to become a registered radiation therapist is an associate or bachelor’s degree in radiation therapy or radiology, then completion of a 12 month didactic and clinical program. Most programs include courses in radiation physics, human anatomy, algebra, precalculus, and computer science It is imperative, however, to be mindful that all potential schools are carefully researched and have the following criteria:
• Accreditation- The program must be accredited and in good standing with the American Registry of Radiologic Technologist (ARRT). Additional JRCERT accreditation is also recommended as it increases the graduates’ chances of passing of the ARRT credentialing examination.
• Clinical considerations- What kinds of clinical settings does the school provide? In the case of distant learning programs, each student is responsible for securing locations for clinical experience.
• Class considerations- How large are the classes and how available is the teaching staff to the students?
• Tuition and Financial aid- Determine the additional costs beyond tuition such as books, clinical provisions (uniforms, lab coats, tools), and traveling expenses related to clinical duties and distant learning.
• Transfer of credits- In pursuing an advanced degree in radiation therapy or related fields after completing the program, it’s important to know if the coursework credits will transfer to other institutions.
• Graduate success- Check the percentage of students that have graduated and are employed over the past few years. Research to see if the program also offers post-grad job placement opportunities.

A radiation therapist salary can enjoy a big boost with an advanced degree and placement into management. Chief radiation therapists are needed on most sites to manage and monitor staff. They also act as a liaison between therapists, oncologists, dosimetrists and medical physicists. Radiation therapy actually involves an entire team for the diagnosis, planning and the treatment of cancer.

Job Outlook

Gender Statistics

Related Jobs



Based on our stats gathered across the U.S. 34% of Radiation Therapists were males while 66% were females. These numbers are based on averages across all states combined. Some individual states may have a much different ratio however.

Past Jobs

Radiologic Technologist
$32,540 – $62,800
$7,556 – $34,465
Radiation Therapy Technologist
$39,906 – $79,315

Future Jobs

Chief Radiation Therapist
$63,130 – $111,550
Radiation Therapy Dosimetrist
$58,644 – $112,913
$60,442 – $112,386

Radiation Therapist Jobs






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