States By Median Household Income


October 30, 2016


(Hover over each state to view the corresponding salary)

Here are all 50 states by median household income with the top 5 identified in yellow. These numbers are based on the annual median household income as of 2015. Below is a table ranking all 50 states from highest median income to lowest median income. | © Copyright 2015
Rank State 2015
1 Maryland $70,004
2 Alaska $67,825
3 New Jersey $67,458
4 Connecticut $65,753
* District of Columbia $63,124
5 Massachusetts $62,859
6 New Hampshire $62,647
7 Virginia $61,882
8 Hawaii $61,821
9 Delaware $58,814
10 California $57,287
11 Minnesota $56,954
12 Washington $56,835
13 Wyoming $56,322
14 Utah $55,869
15 Colorado $55,387
16 New York $55,246
17 Rhode Island $53,636
18 Illinois $53,234
19 Vermont $52,776
20 North Dakota $51,704
21 Wisconsin $50,395
22 Nebraska $50,296
23 Pennsylvania $50,228
24 Iowa $49,427
25 Texas $49,392
26 Kansas $48,964
27 Nevada $48,927
28 South Dakota $48,321
29 Oregon $46,816
30 Arizona $46,709
31 Indiana $46,438
32 Maine $46,033
33 Georgia $46,007
34 Michigan $45,981
35 Ohio $45,749
36 Missouri $45,247
37 Florida $44,299
38 Montana $44,222
39 North Carolina $43,916
40 Idaho $43,341
41 Oklahoma $43,225
42 South Carolina $42,367
43 New Mexico $41,963
44 Louisiana $41,734
45 Tennessee $41,693
46 Alabama $41,415
47 Kentucky $41,141
48 Arkansas $38,758
49 West Virginia $38,482
50 Mississippi $36,919



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