Our Motive
Here at JobStat.net we have put together a top ten list that will help you find the job category(s) you fit into. Part of the top ten lowest paying jobs? Use our top 10 lists as motivation to find a new job. Have a hunger for knowledge? Then simply browse around and learn some shocking statistics you can share with your friends, family and co-workers. We have compiled a mass amount of data and organized it into tables in an attempt to answer any career related questions we haven’t already covered. Our list contains tables ranging from the highest paying jobs, to the lowest paying, most demanded jobs, highest declining jobs and much more.
Our Data
All data provided in our Top 10s section is a combination of our own independently gathered statistics, along with data sourced from bls.gov based on extensive data research to get an incredibly large sample size. All of the data used to compile these tables is based on statistics taken from across the entire U.S. in 2015.
Have a Suggestion?
If there are any questions you have pertaining to jobs and job statistics in the U.S. that we haven’t answered, please feel free to leave us a suggestion. You can leave us a message using our Contact Us page and we will do our best to meet your request.
Top 10 Tables:
Top 10 Fastest Declining Jobs In The U.S.
- Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs
- Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs Without College
- Top 10 Highest Paying States
- Top 10 Jobs With Highest Employee Satisfaction
- Top 10 Jobs With Lowest Employee Satisfaction
- Top 10 Largest Occupations
- Top 10 Lowest Paying Jobs
- Top 10 Lowest Paying States